Thursday, October 2, 2008

my first post

This is my first post. I suppose I should be true to my blog explanation and talk about horsehead bookends, but I can't. I'm completely computer illiterate and trying to set this up is frustrating. I'm trying to add my first follower "bookend". This "bookend" has been my best friend since we were 5, but it seems that doesn't mean anything anymore. Apparently she is too ashamed of me and my horsehead bookends to have her blog associated with my blog. I'm shocked that a friendship of over 30 years has come to an end over this.


littlegreencreations said...

ok, so you have made me feel guilty...are you happy now? I don't no how to become a bookend...what do i do?

horsehead bookends said...

you spelt know wrong

littlegreencreations said...

i know that i spelt it wrong...i'm on percocet...leave me alone...where's all your great pictures of horsehead bookends?

Dee said...

Yeah, how do you become a bookend? I'm not on percocet--I'm just dumb. I was beaten for talking during horsehead bookends and now I'm dumb.